Kintsugi paired with tea and wine

Kintsugi is a nearly 500 year old repair technique. Initially designed to repair the highest quality bowls for tea ceremony. However, across time and place, kintsugi has evolved to be inclusive of all types of wares, peoples, approaches, and price points. So long as we remain true to the fundamental principles that make kintsugi fully authentic and pay ode to our ancestors, kintsugi welcomes us to be extremely playful and expressive. Only then do we really celebrate the unique story of the wares that make our house a home.

When we create the time and heart space for kintsugi, we are creating the time and heart space to have a party! 

Here's how we do it: 

Begin with Tea

Each of our kintsugi lessons begin with tea and tea sweets. At our studio in Kyoto, we don't just jump right into kintsugi. We make it a point to first slow our rhythm and relax our minds and bodies before tackling any repair. This is perhaps the greatest secret ingredient behind kintsugi. Once our rhythm is tuned to the rhythm of the earth, we are able to enjoy kintsugi-repair to the fullest extent possible. 


End with Wine

Many of our kintsugi lessons finish with wine and nibbles. Sometimes it's Japanese natural wine, enjoying our one-of-a-kind wine coolers. Sometimes it's saké with our hand-crafted saké cups. We seek the perfect pairing to the type of wares we are repairing that day. While there is great satisfaction in holding the finished repaired ware with both hands, we believe that each step of the process should be celebrated. 


How do you celebrate the kintsugi journey?

And of course, please join us here at our studio in Kyoto for kintsugi, tea, and wine anytime!


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